Saturday, December 5, 2009

make it happen

People say: we shouldnt wait for something to happen by LUCK, we should MAKE IT HAPPEN.

but how?

First, you have to know what is your goal, like what you want to achieve.
Second, work hard and pursue it, be result-oriented.

OK, so the process is the most crucial thing. You have to change yourself, your old way of life, your old habits, your old thinkings... that's not easy, but thats the main factor for you to get some new things in your life, which you are thirsty of.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

know what you are doing

i think its important that you know what you are doing.

people may criticize your decisions, what you do, how you dress, how you make up...... Its nothing wrong to do whatever you want, just have a goal and faith in what you're doing. Of course sometimes you may need to listen to some other opinions, like, for some apparent bad behaviours, like treating your friends or parents badly, saying rude words, being rude, having bad temper, neglecting people's feeling.... those are something that you may not find out yourself, which you need reminders from the people around you.

You know what, there are two kinds of people, two extremes:

1. just talkoing abt her/himself, but never ask anything abt you
- he/she is just finding somebody to listen to his/her wonderful history and life; but he/she doesnt really care about you.

2. always asking things about you, but never share anything abt him/herself
- he/she is a rumour maker, he/she gathers all the information and spread it out; or he/she just knowing everything about everyone, but no one knows anything about him/her.

I have met these two types of people, my friend is probably the first type. For the second type, you'll just know it over time, which needs time. But then you just have a habit not to tell people so much about yourself, that would be better.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Fortune Telling

I am kind of superstitious.

I think when a person is feeling hopeless, confused and helpless, then he/she will find some ways to make themselves feeling better, one way is fortune telling.

My first fortune teller was actually my secondary school teacher. I forgot why me and some classmates were bringing up this thing, so its just like a few girls were so curious about their lives in the future, their future husbands, future career..... you know, GIRLS! we were like 15. My teacher read my friend's palm first, and said: 'you're going to date!' then she really met a boyfriend later some time. He read my second friend's palm, and said: 'your future husband is a handsome one!' haha she was so happy, til now, we were still talking about it. She is very good with her boyfriend now and probably getting married. And, her boyfriend is handsome. Then, ITS MY TERM. He said: 'your future husband is a very good guy, but you guys are not good always being together, coz there will always be arguments. Like, one is in HK, one is overseas, and you meet like once in 2 or 3 months, then you will be very sweet.' I still remember what he said, of course I dont take it too seriously, but at this moment i'm thinking what he said might be true.

I also tried some online fortune telling tests (told you i'm superstitious!), its actually about entering your birthdate and time, the time is very important, well in chinese sense. and its just for fun, just dont take it too serious is fine, right? and i find out what it indicated were very true for me, it told my personality, my shortcomings and what i need to pay attention to. Its about letting you to know more about yourself, especially when one goes through so many things in the past 20+ yrs, you may have some expectations on yourself, you suffered from failiure (in any aspects), you betrayed by your friends, you were dumped by your guy/girl..... one needs to experience something to Grow Up, and most importantly, is to know whats wrong with yourself that you can improve it. Everyone makes mistakes, its not about looking back the mistakes but to make sure you wont make it ever again.

So, two things for me:
1. speak less
2. dont talk about others

the fortune teller said the fatal thing for me in my life is from my MOUTH, and the LITTLE ENEMIES around me, so just speak less and zip my mouth, that would help. Be indifferent sometimes, coz when you are too caring about someone and something that would make you nosy - even you dont mean to.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

be a better person

this is the first entry of my blog, and this blog title means so much for everyone. a good topic to share, huh?

i think the first step to be a better person is to be with some good persons, to learn from them, to extract what you lack of from them. Sometimes you will only find yourself bad in some ways from comparing with others, of course you dont need, or mean to 'compare' with others, but i do think it can improve yourself. No one is perfect. Right?

I just find out i dont like myself as a person, personality, thinking..... i dont know why, i know it is very bad, that you dont even love yourself, how can i expect other people to love me? i'm try to learn to be a better person from reading people's blogs, cause i always think i can get something from them.